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Dependable Heating System Services

A reliable heating system in the winter is a necessity in any Michigan home. John B. Simpson & Company provides a wide range of residential and commercial heating services in Sturgis, MI., and throughout the surrounding areas. We’re able to provide installations, routine maintenance, repairs, and replacement services for a variety of brands and styles of heating systems. We also carry a complete line of heating products, including Ruud furnaces and Fujitsu Mini Split heating units, some of the most trusted and reliable heating systems on the market. You need a quality HVAC team you can count on – we’re an honest, licensed, and well-respected HVAC company that can provide the highest level of heating services for your family. Depend on us for industry-leading HVAC solutions and professional integrity that’ll meet your every need.

Close up of Air Conditioning Repair, repairman fixing air conditioning system, changing magnetic contactor

Avoid Costly Repairs With Routine Maintenance

Stay ahead of the weather and save money in the long run by having John B. Simpson & Company perform routine maintenance on your heating system. Taking preventative measures will improve your home’s energy efficiency, enhance the lifespan of your system, and help you avoid more costly and unnecessary repairs when you least expect them. Our technicians have an extensive background in handling all types of furnaces, boilers, and other heating systems. We’ll also inspect your air filters, clear out any debris that may exist in your system, and perform an exceptional tune-up.

If Your Heat Needs Fixed, Don’t Sweat It

If your heating system breaks down, no need to worry. Our expert heating specialists have the advanced knowledge, tools, and techniques to take care of everything quickly and effectively. We are available around the clock, so you’ll never be left in the cold. We’ll be able to thoroughly inspect and accurately diagnose your system, restore its functionality, and ensure it’s built to run at its highest capacity. John B. Simpson & Company has provided South Michigan with affordable, quality heating repair services for over 60 years. Call us today and experience the difference our services can make in your home.


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